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Bearbotics is designed to be the highest-impact extracurricular STEM activity for LPSD/D38 high school students. The objective is STEM enrichment and achievement, with a special focus on engineering. Each year's program is run like a large project with related opportunities to grow skills in leadership, teamwork, project management, machining and fabrication, fundraising, communication and community outreach. This program is excellent real-world experience to help prepare for the next stage in each student's path -- whether that be college, a skilled trade or another STEM-oriented path.

Bearbotics builds competitive robots: large, powerful, complex machines to play challenging games that change each year. These robots are college-level engineering projects, designed and built using the latest components, tools, techniques and materials. The senior program (Bearbotics #4068) participates in the FIRST® Robotics Competition (aka "FRC"), an international competition described as a "varsity sport for the mind" and "the hardest fun you will ever have". Students are often surprised by the challenges and opportunities in this engineering-inspired program, but with commitment and perseverance all can grow their skills significantly. Our "Mission & Vision" describes our goals for Bearbotics and its programs.

Bearbotics Program Summary (2022)

If you want to supercharge your engineering and design skills (especially mechanical and electrical engineering, and computer science), please connect with us and learn more. 

Click here to connect with the coaches and ask questions